一、家乐福 Carrefour 验厂简介
目前,家乐福 Carrefour 全球采购从中国采购出口的产品种类繁多,包括食品、家用百货、电子产品、纺织品四大类:
1、食品 粮油、水果、蔬菜、鲜花,以及水产等。
2、家用百货 工具、五金、家庭用品、文化用品、户外用品、健身器材、花园用品、汽车配件、箱包、节日服务器、休闲家具、玩具等。
3、电子产品 小家电、大家电、照相器材、视听器材、电脑设备等。
4、纺织品 鞋子、婴儿服装、童装、女装、男装、家用纺织品、内衣、袜子、手套、帽子、围巾、领带等。
作为中国社会的一分子,家乐福 Carrefour 全球采购对其商业运作,保持高度的责任感。在贸易的各个环节中,积极与中国供应商共同推进可持续性发展项目,力求从产品、供应商、物流、员工政策、社会活动等多方面,提高当地人们的生活质量,保护环境,努力使我们共同生存的环境更和谐。
家乐福 Carrefour 验厂自我评估问卷
1、What is the lowest salary paid in the factory ? For which position ?
2、According to your best knowledge what is the legal minimum wage applicable in your country , region or district ?
3、Are wage slips proveded to all workers when they receive their month salary ?
4、Has every employee from the factory signed a formal working contract ?
5、Is paid maternity leave provided to pregnant women ?
6、Are workers covered with medical insurance or any other benefrts ?
7、What is the normal working hours applicable in the factory ?
8、How many hours of overtime worders usually do every day ? (during low and during high season )
9、Is there any extra bonus paid for the overtime ? Give details.
10、Do workers have at least one day of rest per week ?
11、How many days of annual leave workers can enjoy ? Is this annual leave paid ?
12、What is the age of the youngest worker employed in the factory ?
13、According to your best knowledge what is the legal minimum age ?
14、How do you check the age of workers newly employed in the factory ?
15、What is your policy concerning children or young workers ?
16、Are any penalties deducted from the workers salaries in case of poor behavior , low productivity , quality problems ?
17、Do workers have to give a deposit when they are employed ( for equipment , uniforms proveded ……) ?
18、Do you keep original copies of work permit ,ID papers , cards or professional certificates for the workers ?
19、Do you feel your factory complies wirh Carrefour Suppliers Social Charter ?
20、Do you feel your factory complies wirh the mational or local Labor Code ?
21、Is the factory regularly audited (social audits ) by customers or by local labor bureau ? ( If yes give details ).
- 二. 家乐福 Carrefour 验厂客户需做的准备:
- 全员参与家乐福 Carrefour 验厂热情;
- 准备进行家乐福 Carrefour 验厂所必需的人力,物力和财力资源;
- 提供员工花名册;
- 提供考勤记录等;
- 指定一名工作人员全程配合咨询师的工作,可在咨询师的指导下完成部分工作;
三、家乐福 Carrefour 验厂服务流程:
前期接洽、签订家乐福 Carrefour 验厂咨询合同、咨询师进场、进行家乐福 Carrefour 验厂标准培训、准备家乐福 Carrefour 验厂所需的文件和资料、准备劳动合同、工资、社保、加班资料、消防、化学品管理、劳动保护等的资料和措施、迎接第三方认证机构的验厂审核、通过验厂、协助不符合项整改及回复。
四、家乐福 Carrefour 验厂服务承诺:
- 通过我们的咨询及双方的协助配合,确保客户通过家乐福 Carrefour 验厂;
- 我们将委派有公正行工作经验及丰富家乐福 Carrefour 验厂应对经验的咨询师提供辅导;
- 免费为客户提供家乐福 Carrefour 验厂培训,为客户培养内部客户验厂应对人员;
- 与我司进行的其它合作项目享受打折优惠;
- 后续年度审核时的超低价辅导。